marți, 30 decembrie 2014

(5) A shortcut to new EU labelling, in the advantage of consumers and small trade and producers

Labelling which pushes the market towards "Good, clean and fair" objective of Slow Food.

New EU labelling, in my opinion, is a good step forward in the right direction. It could be used wisely by small trade in Romania, artisan producers to make the difference versus the food industry. By introducing more transparency, this comes as a glove for good, clean and fair food.

This provision of EU regulation says, that in what matters labelling, selling online must have same information as the offline traders and producers.

[RO] Este în avantajul micilor producători să se folosească de noua reglementare privind etichetarea. Sinceritatea privind conținutul produselor, lipsa de înlocuitori, neadăugarea de ingrediente nenaturale, etc.

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