sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2015

Small farming in Romania gets support

After so many years during which a lot of us have advocated for small agriculture, in terms of social benefits, cultural benefits, protection of natural heritage, finally a think-tank, a Romanian one, does a good work. Pretending that theft is impeding the development of small agriculture, SAR brings in the paradigm, which is known to officials, but obscured. Building the case based on the issue of theft of crops in rural Romania. 

Larges surfaces give results when worked with agricultural machinery, a employing a small workforce. So productivity comes from this ecuation.

On the other hand, Romania has large surfaces which are laboured with many people. Which makes logic that you can cultivate crops with high yield return. 

We can give a chance and increase VAB from agriculture if agricultural theft will severly punished and rural areas better policed. It is like in the case of free theft of Internet content. No free ride and no free meal, no more.

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